Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sympathy & Funeral :

It is never easy comforting a relative, friend or associate who has lost a loved one. People are often uncertain as to the best way to show their sympathy.

Flowers are a thoughtful way to honor a beautiful life and have traditionally been sent to the funeral home for display during the viewing and service. Here is a variety of styles appropriate for sending an expression of sympathy to help you to select an item that best expresses your feelings.

Our Services & How To Order :

As part of our service, and at the request of the family or executor, we can deliver the flowers to a nursing home or hospice after the funeral, thus ensuring that their lasting beauty can be enjoyed by others, long after the funeral is over.

Orders and payment can be made over the telephone at any of our Funeral Counselor ...

*This temporary website, now only can provide possesses in the Hong Kong region the order service *

Miss Canna Cheung
(24 hrs) Fax: 21444 777
Mobile Phone : 910 99 191 (24hrs)
E-mail :

Our Prices :

Our Sympathy Flower Basket (HK$250 Up) To Suit Your Needs.

We Also Provid Funerals room arrangement.


The traditional Chinese type higher garland to deliver presents as a gift the person:
-- The friend, the company and likes person of traditional etiquette delivering presents as a gift.

Sits center, the western-style basket of flowers, the garland (heart shape/circular):
--Delivers presents as a gift the very close family member. Front the basket of flowers, the garland put in works, very closely is crossing the life last regulation.

Western-style Higher basket of flowers, double-decked basket of flowers: --Suits the good friend, the younger generation, the company, the friend and all people .

* Note: This company uses the brand-new new fresh flower, does not use the secondhand goods *

各式花藍 HK$250 起

傳 統 中 式 高 腳 花 環 送 贈 人 :
朋友、公司及喜歡傳統禮儀之人仕送贈 。

坐地 中 、 西 式 花 籃、 花 環 ( 心 形 / 圓 形 ) :
送贈至親的家人。花籃、花環 置於靈前, 著至親渡過人生最後一程 。

西 式 腳 架 花 籃 、 雙 層 花 籃 :
適合摯友、晚 輩、公司、朋友及所有人仕。

* 註: 本 公 司 採 用 全 新 新 鮮 花, 絕 不 採 用 二 手 貨 *

Gentle Casket Cover Flower

Casket Cover Flower (棺面花球)
(顏色可自由配搭) Posted by Picasa

More Style For The Casket Cover Flower

All style of the Coffin's Cover Flower
各款棺面花球 Posted by Picasa

Western Round Style

Western Round Style
西式靈前花環 / 亦可配於高架
Posted by Picasa

Gentle Western Round Style

Gentle Western Round Style
Posted by Picasa

More Style For The Gentle Western Round Style

More choices .
各式西式靈前花環 Posted by Picasa

Example For the Western Round Style

Front Face Flower Basket Posted by Picasa

Heart Style (A)

Heart Style
Posted by Picasa

Heart Style (B)

Heart Style with Yellow Rose Posted by Picasa

Heart Style (C)

Heart Style (C) ... White Rose Posted by Picasa

Heart Style (D)

Heart Style with Pink Rose Posted by Picasa

Heart Style (E)

Heart Style with Red Rose and Purple little flower Posted by Picasa

Western Little Front Face Flower Basket (A)

Western Little Front Face Flower Basket
Posted by Picasa

Western Little Front Face Flower Basket (B)

Western Little Front Face Flower Basket Posted by Picasa

Western Little Front Face Flower Basket (C)

Western Little Front Face Flower Basket Posted by Picasa

Western Higher (Single Layer) Basket (A)

Western Higher Single Basket (A)
(顏色可自由配搭)Posted by Picasa

Western Higher (Single Layer) Basket (B)

Higher Single Basket (B) Posted by Picasa

Western Higher (Single Layer) Basket (C)

High Single Flower Basket (D) Posted by Picasa

Western Higher (Single Layer) Basket (D)

Higher Single Flower Basket (D) Posted by Picasa

Western Higher (Single Layer) Basket (E)

Western Higher (Single Layer) Flower Basket (E)Posted by Picasa

Chinese Front Face Flower Basket (A)

Chinese Front Face Flower Basket (A)
(顏色可自由配搭)Posted by Picasa

Chinese Front Face Flower Basket (B)

Chinese Front Face Flower Basket
Posted by Picasa

Chinese Higher Flower Basket (A)

Chinese Higher Flower Basket
White with Purple Color Set
Posted by Picasa

Chinese Higher Flower Basket (B)

Chinese Higher Flower Basket
White with Yellow Color Set
Posted by Picasa

Chinese Higher Flower Basket (C)

Chinese Higher Single Flower Basket
中式高架花藍 Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Chinese Higher (Double Layer) Flower Basket (A)

Chinese Higher Double Layer Basket
(顏色可自由配搭)Posted by Picasa